By chance I met Mauro Rossini a Italian who traveled by motorcycle in the 70's and 90's with support vehicles and doing product testing across China and the America's and other places for months. We chatted for hours, one hilarious story he told me was his riding jacket and pants he was testing were soft and supple when warm and increased their insulation property's when it got cold. He said it worked great quadrupled it's size and became stiff and brittle when below freezing, so much so it was almost impossible to get off the bike and if you could you walked like a robot and had to point at things with a straight arm. I saw the pictures in bike mags, he looked like an American football player with shoulder pads, I was killing myself with laughter. He met Rene Cormier who I have met and read his proverbial book (a Canadian who spent 3 years ridding around the world on a 650 BMW and is a strong influence on me doing this trip) on the same beach I am staying at. As it turns out everybody on this beach knows Rene. I think Mauro found this place on one of his adventures, fell in love with it and stayed, he is married to a lovely American gal called Patty and has two children.
I spent 4 lazy days at B L A and was starting to get too comfortable, "last time we had a biker here he stayed for two months" and comments like that. This place would be wind surfing heaven for intermediate to advanced level. Every morning the thermal side on shore wind blows up at 15 to 25 knots like clockwork, it goes from dead calm and you can literally see the white caps coming across the bay at about 10am and dies down in the evening.
Driving through the town people starting to wave, time to get out!
Ah, this is the life!!!
Mauro Rossini tries out my bike Mexican style.
Mision San Fransisco Borja. It's 17th century Jesuit mission, very cool but I have to admit the ride there 50k of unpaved desert road on my unladen bike was awesome, brp brp brp!!! I had to keep reminding myself you're by yourself slow down!"
Sun rise every morning at Bahia de Los Angeles, camping I became an early riser.
The mountains are very colourful like in Argentina.
Here you go - I found a website with information on Archelon for you.
Ποιος είναι ο ΑΡΧΕΛΩΝ
Ο Σύλλογος για την Προστασία της Θαλάσσιας Χελώνας ΑΡΧΕΛΩΝ, ιδρύθηκε το 1983 και είναι μη-κερδοσκοπικό σωματείο με αντικείμενο τη μελέτη και προστασία των θαλάσσιων χελωνών και των βιοτόπων τους, τη διαχείριση των παράκτιων οικοσυστημάτων στις σημαντικότερες παραλίες ωοτοκίας της Καρέττα στη χώρα μας, την περίθαλψη τραυματισμένων και άρρωστων χελωνών καθώς και την ενημέρωση και ευαισθητοποίηση του κοινού.